
Reporter (Visual-Insights)

Automated Reporting Tool

Visual-Insights Reporter revolutionizes the way businesses handle reporting by offering a fully automated, interactive platform for quick and accurate PPT report generation. This no-code solution simplifies the process of transforming data into insightful reports, reducing human error, cutting down research timelines, and ensuring reliable outcomes.


In the fast-paced world of data-driven decision-making, businesses often struggle to keep up with the demand for real-time insights. Traditional methods of report generation are time-consuming and prone to errors, hindering the ability to stay ahead and make informed decisions swiftly.


Visual-Insights Reporter addresses this challenge head-on by providing a user-friendly platform where reports are generated automatically with just a few clicks. It's designed to be intuitive, requiring no coding knowledge, and offers a variety of output formats, including PPT, Excel, and PDF, to suit different business needs.


The platform stands out for its ability to handle templated and standardized reports, ideal for high-frequency research solutions or studies where a large number of reports need to be generated. Its breakthrough design is specifically tailored to meet the needs of the market research industry, offering time and cost savings without compromising on quality.

Making Reporting Simple and Efficient

Visual-Insights Reporter is more than just a reporting tool; it's a solution designed to streamline the entire process of report generation. It's your partner in making data-informed decisions faster, providing you with the agility to adapt to market changes and maintain a competitive edge. With Visual-Insights Reporter, you can focus more on strategy and less on the complexities of data handling. Its features include:

  • Reduced human intervention leading to fewer errors.
  • Precise and reliable data outputs with customizations.
  • Significantly shorter research timelines and lower costs.
  • Instant access to your reports.

User Flow: Insights in 4 Simple Steps:

Data Upload

Begin by uploading your data to the platform.

Customize Settings

Choose from pre-fed templates or build your report specifications from scratch, tailoring it to your project's unique needs.

Select Data Weights/Filters

Fine-tune your report by selecting variables for data weighting, applying filters, and choosing the relevant markets.

Download Reports

Obtain your reports in the desired format, all set in your corporate design, ready to share and present.

Versatility for Every Need

Visual-Insights Reporter is adaptable to various requirements, offering both Standard and Recurring Reports.

Standard Reports

(Templated AdHoc/ Tracker)

  • Ideal for surveys with standard questions.
  • Create and access reports quickly for every new project.
  • Adjust project specifications and data breaks as needed.

Recurring Reports

(Custom AdHoc/ Tracker)

  • Perfect for custom projects with a high volume of reports.
  • Save time and resources with quick report generation.
  • Customize data breaks and project specifications to fit the study's requirements.

Get Started with Visual-Insights Reporter

Ready to transform your data reporting process? Visual-Insights Reporter is here to elevate your analytical capabilities and streamline your decision-making process. Don't let complex data and time-consuming reports slow down your progress.

Instead, embrace the power of automation and accuracy with our cutting-edge solution.

Take the first step towards smarter reporting:
Contact Us

Reach out to our team of experts to discuss your unique needs and how Visual-Insights Reporter can cater to them. We're here to guide you through every step and ensure a seamless transition to automated reporting.

Request a Demo

See Visual-Insights Reporter in action. Schedule a demo to witness firsthand how our platform can simplify your reporting process, save valuable time, and provide the insights you need to make informed decisions.

Explore Custom Options

Every business is unique, and so are your reporting needs. Talk to us about customizing Visual-Insights Reporter to fit your specific requirements, whether it's for standard reports, recurring projects, or something entirely bespoke.

Connect with Our Experts

Empower your team and gain a competitive edge with efficient, error-free, and rapid reporting. Contact us today and start your journey with Visual-Insights Reporter – where insights are just a click away.